Igor Kowalczyk
Full-stack developer
I'm a full-stack developer based in Poland. I have a passion for building web applications and solving problems
list github --user="igorkowalczyk"
28 Open Source repositories on Github (total size: 1.1 GB)
31.6K Contributions since 2018 (432 in last year)
About me.
I have been coding for more than 5 years. I started my journey at the end of 2018.At first, I learned HTML, CSS and base Javascript to build websites My first project was a simple music player made with Javascript (~January 2019).
In March 2020, I started learning Node.js & Express.js, I also created my first major project - Majo.exe. In April 2022, I started learning React.js, Next.js and Tailwind.css
In March 2020, I started learning Node.js & Express.js, I also created my first major project - Majo.exe. In April 2022, I started learning React.js, Next.js and Tailwind.css
Most Popular Projects.
IgorKowalczyk/majo.exe Active
🚀 Discord bot for almost everything - Memes, Image editing, Giveaway, Moderation, Anime a...
⚛️ My personal portfolio written on Next.js and Tailwind.css
IgorKowalczyk/discord-ssh Active
🚀 Discord bot for using shell commands remotely through Discord
IgorKowalczyk/is-browser Active
🏔️ Add support for browser specific variants in Tailwind.css
IgorKowalczyk/wakatime-hours Active
🛡️ Generate a badge that shows actual hours spent programming using wakatime
IgorKowalczyk/repl-uptime Active
🤙 Don't let your repl go to sleep! Create a http server with just one line of code and ke...
Technologies I use
...and many others!